Here's just a small sampling of the initiatives and changes we've helped promote over the years.

plan4health initiative

With funding from the American Planning Association (APA) and in partnership with the Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association (CCAPA) and the Connecticut Public Health Association (CPHA), we have developed toolkit for local elected and appointed officials who are integral in making decisions about how our local towns are designed and built. This toolkit focuses on ways in which local officials can partner with town planners and residents to increase active living opportunities in our local small and rural towns. By "active living" we mean walking, bicycling, hiking, and taking public transit not just for recreational and fitness purposes, but also for everyday transportation, commuting, and just plain living! The Toolkit can be found online at Learn more about the Plan4Health initiative nationwide. You can also find meeting agendas and other relevant resources shared with our coalition members here.



With funding from the Community Transformation Grant (CTG) initiative, we developed a toolkit for local communities interested in advancing policies that make parks and playgrounds tobacco-free. As a result, several local towns have adopted new ordinances and policies promoting tobacco-free parks and school playgrounds.



SMOKE-FREE Multi-unit housing

With funding from the Community Transformation Grant (CTG) initiative, we developed a toolkit for local landlords and property managers interested in implementing policies that make their multi-unit housing properties smoke-free. As a result, several residents are now able to enjoy healthier living conditions and landlords are able to save a significant amount of money that would have normally been earmarked for property renovations due to smoke damage and infiltration. To learn more about smoke-free housing visit the Eastern Highlands Health Districts Tobacco Free Living webpage.



Self-blood pressure monitoring project

With funding from the Community Transformation Grant (CTG) initiative, we completed a pilot project for Self-Blood Pressure Monitoring in partnership with local health care providers, which resulted in 94% of participating patients achieving hypertension control. The project continues the original past funding period through a system change implemented by the partnering health care providers as a result of the promising pilot project results.

Other Past Projects

Active Living Projects: 

  • Kayak and canoe rental/loans at Willington, Coventry, and Mansfield
  • Walking paths/physical improvements in Ashford, Scotland, and Chaplin
  • Created two bridges/path connectors in park in Tolland

Environmental change initiatives:

  • 9-5-2-1-0 for Health Campaign in schools and daycares
  • Safe Routes to Schools: Provided technical assistance and presentations to local school systems  to enable them to complete a Safe Routes to School Master Plan which led to successful application for competitive grant funding for SRTS infrastructure project
  • CHANGE Tool: Conducted community assessments of Policy, Systems, and Environment as they relate to opportunities for/support for improved physical activity and healthy eating